Free Heartbeat / Cron Job Uptime Monitor

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Free CronJob Uptime Monitoring for your cron jobs.
We call you when your service goes down.

What is a heartbeat monitor?

A heartbeat uptime monitor, also called, a cronjob uptime monitor, is a type of uptime monitor that reacts to service interaction. Unlike a website uptime monitor that is checking periodically if the website is up or down, a heartbeat monitor is waiting to be called on a given rest API. Using our free cronjob monitoring tool you can be sure that your job is running and, if something wrong happens, you will be the first who knows it.

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Why our free cronjob monitoring?

With RoboMiri free heartbeat uptime monitor you will never miss a downtime. Never miss a downtime again, we will let you know when your cron job is down. Our free cronjob monitoring tool will listen to your cron job restless. Be aware and react when downtime happens.

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One monitor service for all your needs, and more...
We call you when your service goes down.

Uptime notifications via Voice, SMS, Email or Webhook

Uptime monitoring notifications via Voice call you when something goes wrong in order to act quickly. You can also monitor your uptime via sms, email and webhook. Integrate your own system and make it react every time your service goes down. Never let your uptime go down again.

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